Alaska, church family, Life experiences


A couple of Sundays ago my friend Geoff met me at the door after service and he handed me an offering from Alaska.

Geoff gave me some info about the Crab and here is what he said.

“It is dungenus from southeast Alaska, not sure if from Ketchikan or Metlakatla where my brother in-law is from. It is a hour boat ride, or a ten min float plane but it is from southern southeast the best crab in the world better then king crab in my opinion”

Wow what a great gift from a friend…That is what I love about people. They bring so much into your life.

I will never forget the love offering from Geoff.

Thank you friend.


I like Alaska Even More Now

I liked Alaska big time after going there last summer, but I like it more now. Especially since Governor Sarah Palin loves fishing and her favorite meal is moose stew.
The “blogisphere” is really buzzzzzzing right now about this VP pick.
Here is what Doug Weads Blog has to say about it.

What is Sarah Palin’s religion and why does it matter?

“What is Sarah Palin’s Religion?
She is Assemblies of God.
Ted Boatsman, the former Alaskan District Superintendent for the Assemblies of God, was her junior high pastor at Wasilla Assemblies of God Church. She is currently attending Juneau Christian Center whose pastor is pastor is Mike Rose.
In high school she was the local leader of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

McCain does more than balance the ticket with a woman. He solves his complicated religious problem with Pentecostals and Charismatics, who according to a recent Barna survey make up almost half of all born again Christians. McCain’s on again off again relationships with Pentecostals, John Hagee and Rod Parsley, as well as the ill timed Charles Grassley attack on six Pentecostal television ministries are now moot points.

But wait until MSNBC finds out. Expect all hell to break loose. She will be portrayed as a pro creationist – Neanderthal. Just wait. And, as well intentioned as they will be, thinking that they are doing Obama a good deed, it will drive the Evangelicals into the McCain camp. All of Senator Obama’s kind overtures to people of faith will be for naught.”

I have liked listening to Doug Wead for the past 30 years and again he speaks truth.

This choice for a running mate it going to make things really interesting to watch over the next three months.
